The “Is That All There Is?” Community



I want more!

At least that is what I think. After all I’m the type of person that walks to the beat of my own drum.

“Just let me wander.”

I’m too independent to follow any specific “pathway” on this site. I like the serendipity of stumbling upon content that is new to me.  And being able to have Bruce available for questions and answers twice a month is really important to me.

Join me as I listen in to Bruce’s Brilliance on his bi-monthly calls.

ITATI? Assets

The links below are tools for Norm’s  wandering to discovering joyous surprises.

Videos To Watch

The videos are the latest and greatest from Bruce.

Ask Bruce

How to get my questions answered from Bruce.

Tools To Transformation

Here are the planners, journals, checklists and worksheets available to all.

Have a question? Just call me.